A Bipolar NPN transistor like BD139 is available in the SOT-32 plastic package. This kind of transistor is used in different electronic circuits because of less cost and high collector current. This transistor can drive upto 1.5A loads like motors, high power LEDs, relays, etc.
The main features and specifications of the BD139 transistor include the following.
The available package is To-225
It is mounted in a plastic case.
The Collector current (IC) of this transistor is 1.5A.
The collector Base voltage (VCB) of this transistor is 80V
Breakdown voltage from emitter to base (VBE) is 5V.
DC gain of this transistor (hfe) is 40 – 160
Breakdown voltage from emitter to base (VBE) is 5V
Its collector dissipation factor is 12.5w.
The range of junction temperature for operating & storage ranges from -55 to +150°C
This transistor is also accessible within PB-Free packages.
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