The 2N2222A transistor is very much similar to the commonly used NPN transistor BC547. But there are two important features that distinguish both. 2N2222A can allow collector current upto 800mA and also has power dissipation of 652mW which can be used to drive larger loads than compared with BC547.
So if you looking for an NPN transistor that could switch loads of higher current, then 2N2222A might the right choice for your project.
Bi-Polar high current NPN Transistor
DC Current Gain (hFE) is 100
Continuous Collector current (IC) is 800mA
Emitter Base Voltage (VBE) is 6V
Collector Emitter Voltage (VCE) is 30V
Base Current(IB) is 5mA maximum
Available in To-92 Package
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