The TIP31C NPN transistor is available in the TO-220 plastic package and it is used frequently in a wide range of applications like audio, switching, power linear, etc. The PNP type transistor is TIP32C. This is a bipolar junction transistor including three terminals like emitter, base & collector.
It is available in TO-220 Package
Operating temperature ranges from -65 to +150 C
NPN type Transistor
DC gain max & min 10 – 50
Collector current Max is 3A
Transition frequency max is 3 MHz
Collector to emitter voltage max is 100V
Dissipation of collector current max is 40 Watt
Collector to base voltage max is 100V
Emitter to base voltage max is 5V
Saturation voltage is low
Easy drive supplies
The operating area is very safe
For less distortion paired designs
Simple handle & carry
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