Nodemcu V3 Esp8266 12e Module


Includes a built-in PCB antenna, WiFi support, and a TCP/IP protocol stack.

It also has GPIO and PWM capabilities, a 1-channel ADC, and a CH340G USB-to-serial chip. 

Availability: In stock

SKU: WM007 Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,

The NodeMCU V3 ESP8266 ESP-12E is a development board that’s useful for prototyping and developing Internet of Things (IoT) projects: 

  • Features

    Includes a built-in PCB antenna, WiFi support, and a TCP/IP protocol stack. It also has GPIO and PWM capabilities, a 1-channel ADC, and a CH340G USB-to-serial chip. 

  • Software

    Uses open-source firmware and a LUA interpreter as the default firmware. You can program it with Arduino IDE or use Lua script lines to prototype your IoT product. 

  • Applications

    Ideal for smart home applications, remote monitoring systems, sensor networks, and autonomous devices. 

  • Ease of use
    Has an easy-to-use interface and extensible structure. It’s also designed for easy integration and remote firmware upgrade


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Nodemcu V3 Esp8266 12e Module

Availability: In stock