2pcs bc557 transistor

2pcs bc557 transistor


The features and specifications of the BC557 transistor include the following.

The type of package is T092
The type of transistor is PNP
Collector Current (IC) Max is -100mA
Max Operating & Storage Temperature ranges from -65 to +150 degree centigrade

Availability: In stock

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SKU: 400020 Category: Tags: , ,

The features and specifications of the BC557 transistor include the following.

The type of package is T092
The type of transistor is PNP
Collector Current (IC) Max is -100mA
Max Operating & Storage Temperature ranges from -65 to +150 degree centigrade
Collector-Emitter Voltage or VCE Max is -45V
DC current gain Max or Min (hFE) is 125 – 800
Collector Base Voltage or VCB Max is-50V
Max fT or Transition Frequency is 100 MHz
Emitter-Base Voltage or VBE Max is -5V
Collector Dissipation or Pc Max is 500 mW
Peak Collector Current (Icm) is 200mA
Junction Temperature (Tstg) is 150 Centigrade
Process technology used in this transistor is advanced
The error voltage is less
Switching speed is very quick
Complete voltage operation
Handling capability of current & power is high

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2pcs bc557 transistor

Availability: In stock

Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+
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